
Hands off our firearms!

Since April 2020, there have been 395 farm attacks nationwide. More than 3,000 police officers are not competent to use a firearm and more than 11,000 police officers do not have competency certificates for their firearms.

In light of these circumstances, the Department of Police has introduced the 2021 draft Firearms Control Act. One of the consequences of this legislation is that South Africans cannot apply for a firearms license for self-defense purposes. For more information and to read the full proposal click here

In a country with one of the highest crime rates in the world, it is important to be able to protect yourself and your family.

Saai will comment on behalf of family farmers and also take further steps to stop this proposed legislation.

If you want to STOP the proposed legislation, fill in your details below and help Saai to protect your rights to defend yourself!

Hands off our firearms!

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