
Talk of possible relaxation in light of pending court cases

Thousands of farmers and farmworkers have been doomed to bankruptcy and job losses by excessive lockdown measures and the destruction of markets and value chains.

“Across the world, the media are critical about the incomprehensible policy framework in terms of which the wine and tobacco industries have been smothered and hunters as lifeline of the game industry are not allowed to cross provincial borders while taxis may do so,” says Dr Theo de Jager, Chairperson of Saai’s board of directors.

The government is blatantly indifferent towards businesses, farming enterprises and job opportunities that have been destroyed as if they simply could be created again when the government decides to open up the economy again. The arguments and data on which its decisions are based, as revealed in Saai’s court applications for the repeal of irrational lockdown measures, are devastating for public confidence in the way the COVID-19 pandemic is being managed. Saai expects the measures to be relaxed or downgraded to Level 2 before judgment is passed in the court cases.