

We are thrilled to share the extraordinary odyssey of our esteemed executive director, Ben Freeth, as he embarks on a momentous quest for justice. Ben’s “Long Ride for Justice” is not just a physical journey but a powerful symbol of hope, resilience, and unwavering commitment to restoring justice in Zimbabwe.

On 28 November 2023, Ben set forth from Mount Carmel farm in Zimbabwe, accompanied by his faithful companion, Tsedeq, meaning “justice and righteousness.” Together, they embarked on a challenging expedition spanning nearly 800km, navigating through scorching heat, parched landscapes, and rugged terrains.

Ben’s journey is not merely a solitary endeavor but a profound mission to raise awareness about the critical need to reinstate the regional court of justice, the SADC Tribunal, based in Windhoek, Namibia. With each stride, Ben advocates for justice, amplifying the voices of the oppressed and marginalized.

Visit Ben Freeth’s “Long Ride for Justice” by following the link below, https://www.mikecampbellfoundation.com/